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February 16 – 22, 2015
Film Junket; Chinese New Year; Family and Friends




2014 was the year of the horse, which is the same zodiac sign as the year I was born in. At the beginning of the year, people kept telling me about how some things were going to be smooth, some things not so smooth. I’ve never been a superstitious person and usually don’t believe these fortune telling things. But thinking back at all the things that have happened in 2014, there are some things where I can’t say that I cannot believe. I even joked with my friends and said, “I don’t like the horse that much now; I’m starting to like the ram more because 2015 is the year of the ram.”



At the beginning of 2015, I was invited to Malaysia and received the honor of Datuk. Following that, I was named the 4th most admired person in the world (behind Bill Gates, President Barack Obama, and President Xi Jinping). We then started our film junket for promoting my new movie, Dragon Blade 《天将雄师》 (“Tian Jiang Xiong Shi”). Feedback on this movie has been positive so far and I’m very pleased with the result. But the thing I’m most grateful for this year is that my son has become a much better, more understanding, and more mature person. I used to call him “Xiao Fang Zi” (literally meaning little Jaycee). Now I call him “Fang Zi” (Jaycee).


We’ve been promoting Dragon Blade all over Asia; from Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore, Malaysia, and then to Taiwan, Thailand…. I even spent the Lunar New Year holiday period working and promoting my new movie. This year’s Chinese New Year has felt the same as any other year. I spent it flying from country to country, seeing different airports every day, traveling in 7seater cars, going to hotels, doing interviews, visiting movie theaters…. I can never remember which city I’m in. Even my assistant makes fun of me saying that I’m starting to lose my memory! Lucky, I’ve been able to take a rest these few days. After settling down and having some quiet time to myself, I discovered that this holiday period is actually quite different from previous years.


Promoting Dragon Blade has been different from promoting my other movies because this year I’m finally not the only actor doing the promotional work. Apart from the movie’s young cast members including actress Lin Peng, Wang RuoXin and Korean actor Choi Siwon, two Hollywood superstars John Cusack and Adrien Brody were also on the film junket promoting the film. With them on board, I finally didn’t have to answer the same questions over and over again. It really has been the happiest and most relaxing junket I’ve had in many years.

The style of the movie Dragon Blade is slightly different from the usual Jackie Chan movies you’ve seen before. Even so, many fans around the world like this movie very much. This shows that the audience still enjoys serious blockbuster productions, which makes me feel very pleased because I truly appreciate my fans for their enthusiasm. Because of your support, the movie industry in China has flourished and is now the second largest film industry in the world. Over the years, we’ve attracted large production companies, investors, and movie stars from the West to take part in making movies in China, and more and more foreign viewers are starting to enjoy Asian films. I feel very pleased and grateful because I’m seeing this happen right before my eyes.


It’s been a long time since I last visited Taiwan and this time, I’ve finally come back for the promotion of Dragon Blade. I was so touched because I saw so many heartwarming and enthusiastic fans. They haven’t forgotten Jackie Chan. During this junket stop in Taiwan, I spoke to the Taiwanese press about a lot of things. Many of the reporters have been longtime friends of mine and over the past few years, we’ve all experienced different things in our lives. Being able to sit down together, sharing these experiences was actually very pleasant and hard to come by.




The most unexpected thing I experienced this year was realizing the meaning and importance of family and friends. In fact, there has been a lot of unexpected surprises compared to any other year. When I was young, I never really cared about these feelings. I just cared about working with my JC Stunt team, working hard and making movies together, going places and overcoming challenges together, and continuously testing my limits to the extreme. But recently, especially during these past few years, I’ve grown older and I’ve started to understand the importance of family. Especially after what happened to “Fang zi” (Jaycee) last year, I’ve learned to communicate more with my wife and to show more care for them. It has given me an opportunity to better understand them. The most important thing is that I realized how much they truly meant to me. Now that “Fang zi” (Jaycee) is back home, I’m really looking forward to seeing him and my wife after promotional work for this movie has finished. It’s Chinese New Year again. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all my fans and friends: happy family gathering! Cherish and value your family.


I’d also like to wish all my fans around the world a very happy Chinese New Year!!


Text and Photos Copyright © 2015 The JC Group HK
All Rights Reserved


刚刚过去的2014年是马年,也是我的本命年,当初人家说本命年要么大顺,要么不顺,我向来是个不迷信的人,都没太在意。后来2014年真的发生一些事,我跟朋友们开玩笑说我都开始不喜欢马了!我开始喜欢羊了!因为2015年到来,年初先是去马来西亚获封了拿督,又成为世界第四位最受景仰的人,接着带着剧组跑《天将雄师》的宣传,电影的口碑很好,我也很开心,最欣慰的是,我得到了一个更好更懂事的房子 (小房子变房子了)。


《天将雄师》这次的宣传跟过去不同,大家终于不再只依赖我一个人了,除了林鹏、王若心、崔始源这些年轻演员之外,还有两位好莱坞明星John Cusack和Adrien Brody全程一起跑,有大家共同分担,我终于不用整天回答同样的问题超过一百次,真的是近几年来最开心最轻松的一次。









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