30. April 2015 · Comments Off on Udine, Italy · Categories: Uncategorized


bjff carpet


I’ve been very busy the past few days, attending events in different places around the world. The other night, I was at the closing ceremony for the Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF). When I walked on the stage, Luc Besson welcomed me with a big hug, then lifted me up and spun me around a few times.

bjff stage

Soon after the BJIFF ceremony ended, I rushed to the airport and began my long flight from Beijing to Italy. After 11 hours on the plane, we finally arrived in Udine, Italy. Why am I here? To attend the Far East Film Festival (FEFF)! Actually, FEFF have invited me to attend this festival for 17 years already. But each time I’ve had to turn them down because of my busy schedule. This time, I finally made it. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Udine for your continual sincerity over the many years and your perseverance to invite me to your city.


Udine is such a beautiful little city and of course I wanted to go out and explore the streets. But as soon as I walked out of my hotel, I was surrounded by so many enthusiastic fans.



Dragon Blade was the opening film for the FEFF. When they started to play the film, I hid to one side and watched the viewers watching my film. I honestly think that movies are a universal language. Even though Dragon Blade was not in Italian, I noticed how all the viewers in the theatre watched in awe and with full attention.


Towards the end of the movie, I saw quite a few people in the crowd silently wiping tears from their faces. And when the film ended, applause filled the theatre filled that lasted for nearly 5 minutes. Director Daniel Lee Yan Kong was also with me and we both felt so touched by their reaction.

award 2

Organizers of FEFF also awarded me the Golden Mulberry Life Achievement Award. I think this award looks very special, don’t you think?



award with daniel lee


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