01. March 2021 · Comments Off on Thank You for Participating! · Categories: Uncategorized

We’d like to say a big “Thank You” to everyone who participated in the Chinese New Year Giveaway Quiz! We received and overwhelming number of responses from fans all over the world! So many of you answered correctly! But unfortunately, there were only 300 lucky red packets “Lai Si” to give away even though thousands of you answered correctly.

All the lucky fans who answered correctly have been notified by email and your lucky red packets are on the way. However, because of the currently situation of COVID19 that has affected logistics around the world, there are a few countries where postage cannot be sent to. We’d like to say thanks to the fans in those countries for your patience. Your lucky “Lai Si” will be sent out as soon as postage resumes to your country!

Once again, thank you to everyone for participating! We hope to bring you some more quizzes and games in the near future!

(Just for reference, the countries affected where postage has been temporarily suspended include: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Mongolia, South Africa, Pakistan, Netherlands)

22. February 2021 · Comments Off on Lucky “Lai Si” Recipients – 新年送红包名单 · Categories: Uncategorized

Here is the list of lucky red packet recipients (in no particular order):
An email will be sent out to notify recipients on how to claim the lucky red packet.

以下是首300名答对全部问题的粉丝们 (排名不分先后):


Audrey Chu (USA)

Pok Han Juun (Korea)

邓伟碧 (中国 China)

陈锋 (中国 China)

Timothy Chow (Australia)

Suranti Tei (Indonesia)

北小烊 (中国 China)

时霖 (中国 China)

Nondas Dela Sherha (Philippines)

Michael Chiang (USA)

曹新杰 (中国 China)

徐雄 (中国 China)

亭亭 (中国 China)

李凤华 (中国 China)

Teo Liang Pho (Singapore)

Quincy Bloomes (South Africa)

陈志华 (中国 China)

康俊龙 (中国 China)

Jarred Casely (United Kingdom)

孟祥梁 (中国 China)

张倪 (中国 China)

李华强 (中国 China)

Dada DeSilva (Italy)

Logan Oscar Brown (USA)

魏珊珊 (中国 China)

Sare Nas (United Kingdom)

栾金亮 (中国 China)

杨淑中 (中国 China)

闻奇东 (Germany)

Linda Lam (USA)

Matin Beik Khorassani (Canada)

魏浩 (中国 China)

阮莹珠 (中国 China)

Stefan Flad (Germany)

李梦雲 (中国 China)

Jacty  (中国 China)

Jesse Lin (USA)

梁翠容 (中国 China)

Leonardo Arrighi (Italy)

Jingtian He (USA)

杨佳琦 (中国 China)

Melly Adams (Indonesia)

陈娅君 (中国 China)

Anthony Flores (USA)

钟柱辉 (中国 China)

申静 (中国 China)

Mithiul Loganathan (USA)

劉冠宏 (中国 China)

李三岁 (中国 China)

Anastasiia Bohdanova (Ukraine)

梁丽娜 (中国 China)

老伢 (中国 China)

Tobinh Chung (Austria)

Shayla Gramajo (USA)

李媛 (中国 China)

王鹏 (中国 China)

Douglas Santa Clara de Paula (Brazil)

孫辰達 (中国 China)

柯阳 (中国 China)

Elena Beliaeva (Russia)

Steven Ma 马豪昌 (Canada)

杨智豪 (中国 China)

张一 (中国 China)

Ryan Chan 陳永昌 (Canada)

郭振东 (中国 China)

冯炜杰 (中国 China)

Lau King Yee (Malaysia)

JoAnne Leung (USA)

柴淑敏 (中国 China)

春阳 (中国 China)

李凡 (中国 China)

林珉佑 Lim Ming You (Malaysia)

Bella M. Castro (Philippines)

任晨 (中国 China)

陈升平 (中国 China)

王鸿 (中国 China)

Thomas Chin (Malaysia)

陈申奥 (中国 China)

Jordan Yee (New Zealand)

Elena (Russia)

郭虹 (中国 China)

韦巧玲 (中国 China)

李仁稀 (中国 China)

陈威 (中国 China)

Anna Trunova (Russia)

Andrey Kurbatov (Russia)

霍艳茹 (中国 China)

瑶瑶 (中国 China)

孙宏敏 (中国 China)

郭明溪 (中国 China)

苗忠森 (中国 China)

李白 (中国 China)

木兰 (中国 China)

Anna Shulakova (Russia)

郭华 (中国 China)

Jacky Kwok (Indonesia)

张微 (中国 China)

金微 (中国 China)

孔丽萍 (中国 China)

旷驰 (中国 China)

李建 (中国 China)

Insani Ursha Jannati (Indonesia)

单友缘 (中国 China)

Tiffany Xu (New Zealand)

Nataliia Anikanova (Russia)

李峰 (中国 China)

叶欢 (中国 China)

Sucen Suriana (Indonesia)

邓成名 (中国 China)

韩洋 (中国 China)

Chantsaldulam  (Mongolia)

丽姐 (中国 China)

单乾飞 (中国 China)

Tiara Deskiranna Sungkar (Indonesia)

Anastasiia Beskrovnaia (Russia)

方达诚 (中国 China)

Fudin Loe (Indonesia)

Yana Sidorova (Russia)

李彤 (中国 China)

黄潇 (中国 China)

Katherine Amaya (USA)

郭慧 (中国 China)

周莹 (中国 China)

Wong Phooi Leng (Malaysia)

Marta Kazlova Vladimirovna (Russia)

王香丽 (中国 China)

张越奇 (中国 China)

Dev Dee Brachmana (Indonesia)

黄永建 (中国 China)

孟瑶瑶 (中国 China)

郭昭玲 (中国 China)

Anastasiya Haritonova (Belarus)

Kyla Ye (USA)

Laura Vivienne Loe (Indonesia)

梁小杰 (中国 China)

陈爱兰 (中国 China)

Sherzia El Zahra (Indonesia)

Brandon Lee 李际诚 (Malaysia)

张晶 (中国 China)

何曙光 (中国 China)

程程 (中国 China)

邵雅 (中国 China)

Ambika Pattanaik (India)

何光 (中国 China)

郝雪凯 (中国 China)

Jessy Lee (Malaysia)

张昊天 (中国 China)

江菲菲 (中国 China)

Quinn Brummer (USA)

Lazizbek Zokirjonov 杨哲 (Uzbekistan)

曹阳 (中国 China)

大可 (中国 China)

李倩 (中国 China)

钱朱杰 (中国 China)

Shelby Shibahara (Japan)

Julia Ontano (Italy)

Xiaotian ZHOU 周笑天 (Hong Kong, China)

吴国熙 (中国 China)

曾霆 (中国 China)

Nirmal Babu Oli (Nepal)

Frank Schünemann (Germany)

Jane Kon-ngoen (Thailand)

罗晔婷 (中国 China)

郭子艺 (中国 China)

Alexander Dodonov (Russia)

邓成功 (中国 China)

章珊乐 (中国 China)

Leia Frederick (USA)

Abraham Lara (Colombia)

Kumar Abdul Prasaad (Pakistan)

张驰 (中国 China)

张莉 (中国 China)

裴莹莹 (中国 China)

康蒙 (中国 China)

Sonia Tyler Smith (Australia)

孙恭庆 (中国 China)

富天睿 (中国 China)

Richard Singh (India)

崔庆娇 (中国 China)

Nikola Slavkov (Bulgaria)

赵旭洁 (中国 China)

范宁宁 (中国 China)

张媛媛 (中国 China)

邵轶 (中国 China)

Vladimir Haritonov (Belarus)

Teresa Salazar (USA)

Lee Sook Yee (Malaysia)

魏晨 (中国 China)

Lauren Ossam Reda Fayez (Egypt)

Gurgen Adamyan (Armenia)

赵家辉 (中国 China)

Achim Krapp (Germany)

王嘉嘉 (中国 China)

Neielisson Lima Pinheiro (Brazil)

張震 (中国 China)

黄欢 (中国 China)

李智轩 (中国 China)

Peng Yao (Australia)

Alex Rader (USA)

Riku Luukkonen (Finland)

付俊瑶 (中国 China)

闫雪 (中国 China)

Kirill Lavrinovich (Russia)

马也 (中国 China)

陈秋宪 (中国 China)

陈金凤 (中国 China)

陈小肉 (中国 China)

Issac Wong (Hong Kong, China)

Jorge Sierra Marquez (Spain)

章妍妍 (Taiwan, China)

Daniel Pestana (Brazil)

于云飞 (中国 China)

贺洪杰 (中国 China)

圆大薇 (中国 China)

刘洋 (中国 China)

Orlando Palma (Peru)

Savvas Photios Zapheiriou (Greece)

李振华 (中国 China)

Maria Nikiforova (Russia)

陈鑫瑜 (中国 China)

Shota Tamada (USA)

Dominic Kan (United Kingdom)

周永琪 (中国 China)

高冠华 (中国 China)

Florance Low AI Ying (Malaysia)

王清云 (中国 China)

Roman Jukl (Czech Republic)

于俊华 (中国 China)

李澈 (中国 China)

Thomas Nyssen (Belgium)

刘笑言 (中国 China)

占民 (中国 China)

Justin Federico (USA)

张永富 (中国 China)

Evelina Rud (Russia)

Jackie L (Taiwan)

肖志铎 (中国 China)

张明月 (中国 China)

Selena Li (Canada)

郭金义 (中国 China)

赵红心 (中国 China)

小贝 (中国 China)

Amdrew Wu (Canada)

Lubov  Khochueva (Russia)

郭娟 (中国 China)

单友铭 (中国 China)

Aida Adamyan (Armenia)

冼業洲 (Vietnam)

Anastasia Korneeva (Russia)

Nimesh Babu Oli (Nepal)

程启 (中国 China)

Shikata Ikuyo (Hong Kong, China)

小魔仙 (中国 China)

张洲 (中国 China)

任晋坤 (中国 China)

Rosh Abdullah (Canada)

郭恬村 (中国 China)

Burdeynyi Andrei (Russia)

Beverley Cannell (United Kingdom)

东晓 (中国 China)

Shahwan Kazi (India)

Dmitry Kozlov (Russia)

胡天奇 (中国 China)

Sebastian Stanko (Uruguay)

云疆 (中国 China)

秋儿 (中国 China)

崔春阳 (中国 China)

肖建章 (中国 China)

Joe Chan (USA)

Valeriia Berezhnova (Russia)

Connor Quan-Lewis (USA)

于淑华 (中国 China)

方静雯 (中国 China)

Antonio Santandreu (Spain)

Alexa Wilson (USA)

Radek Sienski (United Kingdom)

李军宝 (中国 China)

范健雄 (中国 China)

河 (中国 China)

周冉 (中国 China)

Ben Lewis (United Kingdom)

Paul Sun (USA)

Francisca Hernandez Toloza (Chile)

陈嘉男 (中国 China)

邱素芳 (中国 China)

Nguyen Ho Khanh Nhu (Vietnam)

郭蓉 (中国 China)

Jose Hernandez (USA)

老郭 (中国 China)

常鹏锐 (中国 China)

邓敏 (中国 China)

Faisal Taj (Canada)

何语华 (中国 China)

徐浩 (中国 China)

Aavha Gyawali (Canada)

Tyler Van (USA)

Friso Poldervaart (Thailand)

丽娜 (中国 China)

赵悦 (中国 China)

汪琦 (中国 China)


18. February 2021 · Comments Off on Giveaway Has Officially Ended – 新年送红包已结束 · Categories: Uncategorized

The 2021 Chinese New Year Giveaway has officially ended! We hope everyone had some fun with the quizz!
This year, we received so many responses from fans all over the world and will need some time to go through all your emails to see who answered the 10 questions correctly.

Names of the lucky recipients will be announced on February 22, 2021, and they will receive an email from our team with instructions on how to claim the prize.

Here are the answers to the questions.



Quizz Answers:


Jackie is known by many names (for example: he has a birth name; a stage name; 7 Little Fortunes name; many nicknames and an “ancestral” name). Which of these names is not his name?
大哥有很多名称和外号 (例如: 出生名; 艺名; 七小福成员名; 昵称以及认祖归宗名). 从以下的选择里, 那个不是大哥的名称?

  • (a) Cheng Long 成龙
  • (b) Fang Shi Long 房仕龙
  • (c) Yuen Lou 元楼
  • (d) Fang Dao Long 房道龙 – (this is Jackie’s father’s name 这是成龙大哥爸爸的名字)
  • (e) Chan Kong Sang 陈港生

2). What is Jackie’s most commonly used hand gesture when taking photos?
大哥拍照时, 最常见用以下哪个手势?

























3).  In Jackie’s latest album, “I’m Still Jackie Chan”, which song is dedicated to his Stunt Team brothers?
2018年的专辑,“我还是成龙”, 每首歌都有一个故事. 其中哪一首歌是送给成家班的兄弟们?

(a) Childhood Stories 青春故事 
(b) Love Is Old 愛情老了
(c) Wù Shì Rén Fēi 物是人非
(d) Thank You, My Love 謝謝一輩子
(e)  Don’t Give Up 別放棄

4). What movie featured these two handsome actors?

(a) Kung Fu Yoga 功夫瑜伽
(b) Shinjuku Incident 新宿事件
(c) Gorgeous 玻璃樽
(d) Railroad Tigers 铁道飞虎
(e) Little Big Soldier 大兵小将 – (Co-actor Lee Hom Wang 王力宏)

5). What year did Jackie receive an Honorary Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award?

(a) 1993
(b) 1999
(c) 2001
(d) 2016 – Jackie received this award in November 2016
(e) 2019

6). What movie is this still from?

(a) New Police Story 新警察故事
(b) The Foreigner 英倫對決
(c) Rush Hour 3 尖峰時刻3
(d) Bleeding Steel 機器之血
(e) The Spy Next Door 邻家特工

7). In Jackie’s book, “Never Grow Up”, he talks about his experiences while training at the China Drama Academy and how everyone at the academy had the same goal. What was that goal?
在大哥自传“还未长大就老了”, 他说过在京剧戏班训练的时候, 所有师兄弟姊妹们只有一个目标. 这个目标是什么?

(a) Perform on Stage asap 尽快上台表演
(b) Become the Big Brother 做大哥
(c) Study 读书
(d) Fight with People to see who’s better 跟别人打架分高下
(e) Go Home and Sleep 回家睡觉

8). Which of these movies was released in Hong Kong in the year 2000?



































(e) Released in Hong Kong in 2000 香港上映2000年








9). In 1999, Jackie made a cameo appearance in Stephen Chow’s King of Comedy. What character did Jackie play in this movie?
大哥曾在1999年周星馳主演的 “喜劇之王” 裡面客串. 當時他客串的角色是什麼?

(a) Policeman 警察
(b) The Boyfriend 男朋友
(c) Dead Man Extra 路人甲死屍
(d) Thief 小偷
(e) The Director 导演

10). In Karate Kid, what is the first lesson that JC teaches Jayden?
在电影’功夫梦’的剧情中, 韩先生答应接受 Dre (德瑞)为徒,第一堂的训练是教什么?

(a) High Kick 踢腿








(b) Jacket Training 外套训练







(c) Press Ups 撑上压








(d) Punching Stance 拳脚步法








(e) Be Still, Do Nothing 冷静, 什么都不做









Text and Photos © 2021 The JC Group
All Rights Reserved


12. February 2021 · Comments Off on Chinese New Year Giveaway! 新年送红包! · Categories: Uncategorized

Gong Xi Fa Cai! 2020 has been a difficult year for everyone. We hope that the Chinese New Year of the Ox will bring all of you good luck, good health, and a prosperous 2021! We truly hope that everyone can overcome the set-backs, struggles and challenges that were faced in the year of Rat, and work hard towards a happier and brighter tomorrow.

Being a very special year with exceptional circumstances, Jackie has decided to give away 300 “lai si” (lucky red packets) this year to bring a little more happiness to everyone. No matter where Jackie is, he always truly appreciates his fans for the unconditional love and support you give him. Because of you, he continues to move forward so that you have a chance to see him on the silver screen.

As with previous years, we’ve prepared a fun multi-choice quiz for you to answer, and easy quiz for those who know Jackie well. There is a total of 10 multiple choice questions, each question has 5 possible answers to choose from. So even if you don’t know the answer, you can guess and there’s still a 20% chance of being right!

Are you ready? Let’s see how well you know Jackie and we hope you enjoy the quiz!

The first 300 respondents who correctly answers all 10 questions will receive a JC Lucky Red Packet. (The JC Group reserves the right to the final decision on the giveaway competition).

Here’s how to enter:

  1. Create a new email and in the subject line write: 2021 CNY Giveaway
  2. In the body of your email, write down your matching answers, for example:
    1 – A
    2 – B
    3 – C…
  3. Also write down your details:
    Country of Residence:
  4. Send your email to: **giveaway has ended**

Good Luck! It’s that simple!

The first 300 people with correct answers will receive a lucky red packet. (Winners will be notified by email).

The Giveaway Quizz starts today and ends on February 18, 2021 (23:59 Hong Kong time). Winners will be announced on February 22, 2020.

Just like our last giveaway, lucky winners will be notified by email and will also make an announcement on Jackie’s Facebook page and Official Website. Test your knowledge and see how well you know Jackie Chan. Be quick and start emailing your answers today!

Only one entry per person will be accepted. Multiple entries from the same person will automatically be eliminated. The JC Group reserves the right to the final decision on the giveaway competition.



虽然2020是不平凡的一年,大家很努力地对抗新冠病毒这个大挑战, 希望今年送鼠迎牛能为大家带来好运气、好健康和更好的明天! 在此祝大家今年胜旧年,把鼠年的不如意化为今年的力量,努力为将来打拼.

面对疫症,去年对于世界各地也是很特殊的一年, 成龙大哥希望能给大家一点欢乐和祝福,今年特别准备了300封红包送给粉丝们,也感谢多年来你们对大哥的支持! 你们的支持是成龙大哥的动力,所以他仍然努力不懈工作,希望能回馈大家对他的支持。


以下有10条关于成龙大哥的题目, 每条题目有5个答案可以选择。即使不知道答案, 还有五分一机会猜中啊!


  1. 在电子邮件主题填写:  2021 – 新年送红包
  2. 邮件内容请写下您的答案, 如:
    1 – A
    2 – B
    3 – C…
  3. 也记住写下您的:
  4. 电邮发往: **活动已完满结束**

答对的幸运儿将以电邮通知,所以请大家确保您的电邮地址是在操作中 (没有回复的电邮会被作废!)

这次游戏于2021年2月18日 (香港时间23:59)截止。得奖名单将于2021年02月22日在此官网公布。请密切留意!

注意: 每人只可发送答案一次。如有发现多次参与, 将被自动作废。 JC Group 拥有最终决定权。


Quizz Questions:


Jackie is known by many names (for example: he has a birth name; a stage name; 7 Little Fortunes name; many nicknames and an “ancestral” name). Which of these names is not his name?
大哥有很多名称和外号 (例如: 出生名; 艺名; 七小福成员名; 昵称以及认祖归宗名). 从以下的选择里, 那个不是大哥的名称?

  • (a) Cheng Long 成龙
  • (b) Fang Shi Long 房仕龙
  • (c) Yuen Lou 元楼
  • (d) Fang Dao Long 房道龙
  • (e) Chan Kong Sang 陈港生

2). What is Jackie’s most commonly used hand gesture when taking photos?
大哥拍照时, 最常见用以下哪个手势?























3).  In Jackie’s latest album, “I’m Still Jackie Chan”, which song is dedicated to his Stunt Team brothers?
2018年的专辑,“我还是成龙”, 每首歌都有一个故事. 其中哪一首歌是送给成家班的兄弟们?

(a) Childhood Stories 青春故事
(b) Love Is Old 愛情老了
(c) Wù Shì Rén Fēi 物是人非
(d) Thank You, My Love 謝謝一輩子
(e)  Don’t Give Up 別放棄

4). What movie featured these two handsome actors?

(a) Kung Fu Yoga 功夫瑜伽
(b) Shinjuku Incident 新宿事件
(c) Gorgeous 玻璃樽
(d) Railroad Tigers 铁道飞虎
(e) Little Big Soldier 大兵小将

5). What year did Jackie receive an Honorary Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award?

(a) 1993
(b) 1999
(c) 2001
(d) 2016
(e) 2019

6). What movie is this still from?

(a) New Police Story 新警察故事
(b) The Foreigner 英倫對決
(c) Rush Hour 3 尖峰時刻3
(d) Bleeding Steel 機器之血
(e) The Spy Next Door 邻家特工

7). In Jackie’s book, “Never Grow Up”, he talks about his experiences while training at the China Drama Academy and how everyone at the academy had the same goal. What was that goal?
在大哥自传“还未长大就老了”, 他说过在京剧戏班训练的时候, 所有师兄弟姊妹们只有一个目标. 这个目标是什么?

(a) Perform on Stage asap 尽快上台表演
(b) Become the Big Brother 做大哥
(c) Study 读书
(d) Fight with People to see who’s better 跟别人打架分高下
(e) Go Home and Sleep 回家睡觉

8). Which of these movies was released in Hong Kong in the year 2000?











































9). In 1999, Jackie made a cameo appearance in Stephen Chow’s King of Comedy. What character did Jackie play in this movie?
大哥曾在1999年周星馳主演的 “喜劇之王” 裡面客串. 當時他客串的角色是什麼?

(a) Policeman 警察
(b) The Boyfriend 男朋友
(c) Dead Man Extra 路人甲死屍
(d) Thief 小偷
(e) The Director 导演

10). In Karate Kid, what is the first lesson that JC teaches Jayden?
在电影’功夫梦’的剧情中, 韩先生答应接受 Dre (德瑞)为徒,第一堂的训练是教什么?

(a) High Kick 踢腿








(b) Jacket Training 外套训练







(c) Press Ups 撑上压








(d) Punching Stance 拳脚步法








(e) Be Still, Do Nothing 冷静, 什么都不做









Text and Photos © 2021 The JC Group
All Rights Reserved




28. September 2020 · Comments Off on Announcement & Clarification · Categories: Uncategorized

We hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy during this period!
It has also come to our attention of some misleading information that appears to be circulating. Therefore, our company would like to make the following official announcement and clarification:

02. June 2020 · Comments Off on Official Clarification · Categories: Uncategorized

Please take note of the following announcement:



Text & Pictures  © 2020 The JC Group
All Rights Reserved

26. March 2020 · Comments Off on Jackie Chan’s Official Social Media Accounts · Categories: Uncategorized

        Official Announcement

During this difficult time that is affecting everyone around the world, it has come to light of many scammers and imitation social media accounts claiming to be Mr. Jackie Chan, contacting people privately, and asking for money.

Please be aware of these scammers and make sure you verify whoever is trying to contact you privately. Jackie Chan will NOT ask you for money.

We would like to remind ALL internet users to be vigilant and protect yourselves online. Here are Mr. Jackie Chan’s official social media accounts (below). Please remember to look for the “verified tick” (or the verified “v” in Weibo) for Jackie Chan’s official account:

Jackie Chan Official Website:


Jackie Chan Official Facebook Account:


Jackie Chan Official Instagram Account:


Jackie Chan Official Twitter Account:


Jackie Chan Official Weibo Account:


We hope Jackie’s fans take note of the above official accounts. All others are NOT Jackie Chan or, in any way, related to Jackie Chan.

We reserve the right to take legal action against the users for the defamation, impersonation, and unlawful use of Jackie Chan’s name or image to deceive others into thinking they are ‘Jackie Chan’.


The JC Group International.



Text and Photos © 2020 The JC Group
All Rights Reserved


20. March 2020 · Comments Off on Stay Safe and Healthy! · Categories: Uncategorized

Hello my dearest fans! I’m very aware of the current situation and the severity of the virus that’s slowly spreading around the world. I hope all my friends and fans are taking all necessary safety measures in protecting yourselves and your family. Try not to go out unless it’s absolutely necessary. And if you do go out, please remember to wear a face mask; remember to wash your hands frequently; and remember to clean and disinfect your home regularly as well. Protect yourself and protect the people around you. Every day, I see a lot of news circulating on the internet and I hope everyone will try to make your own judgements on what you read, try to verify the news before spreading what might not be true.

One way to help protect yourself and your family is: ‘Don’t make rumours; Don’t spread rumours’. I truly hope the coronavirus epidemic will end soon, and I wholeheartedly hope that everyone stays safe and healthy! Love you all!




Text and Photos © 2020 The JC Group
All Rights Reserved

27. February 2020 · Comments Off on Thanks for Your Concern! · Categories: Uncategorized

Recently, my staff told be about the news that’s been circulating around the world, saying that I’ve been placed under quarantine for COVID-19.

Firstly, I’d like to take this opportunity to say “thank you” for everybody’s concern! I’m very healthy and safe, and haven’t been quarantined. I’ve received many messages from friends asking if I’m ok. Your love and concern is so heartwarming. Thank you!

I’ve also received some very special gifts from fans all over the world during this very difficult time. Thank you for the face masks. Your thoughtfulness is well received! And I’ve asked my lovely staff to donate your kindness through official organisations to those who need it most.


18. February 2020 · Comments Off on All Lucky Contestants Have Been Contacted! · Categories: Uncategorized

Once again, a big “congratulations” to the lucky contestants who correctly answered the Chinese New Year Quiz.
All lucky fans have been contacted via email and your gift is on the way!

A huge “thank you” to all of Jackie’s fans from all over the world who took part in this quiz. Hope you had a little fun and enjoyed the questions. Keep your eyes posted on the Official Website for more opportunities for a free gift!