10. February 2025 · Comments Off on Congratulations to the lucky 300 fans!! · Categories: Uncategorized


All lucky winners have been notified by email. If you’re one of the lucky fans on the list below, remember to check your email and follow the instructions to receive your lucky prize! (Note to lucky fans: You have until Monday February 17, 2025 to respond! Otherwise, your lucky “Hong Bao” will be forfeited after this date).

A big ‘thank you’ to all the fans who have responded so far! Your prize will be sent out soon.

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Congratulations to the following fans who not only correctly answered all 10 questions, but are also 1 of the lucky 300 drawn to receive a “Hong Bao” Lai Si Lucky Red Packet!


(lucky fans below will receive an email from our staff soon!)


Yesica Olivia 王萍萍 Ruby Qiu 刘婷惠
Vladislav Mocenev 宁睿雯 柳谷典子 李江涛
Ko Maemura 袁陆旻 Jovan Tsai 煜晨熙
朱偉俊 Cristopher Pavkovic 王嘉嘉 付琳
Naate Wiindsor Zolo Otgonbat 王鹏 Vitalij Frank
Higashino Yuko Claudia Hahner 富天睿 Yevhenli Sushkin
Robert Arthur 胡范鑫 Lee Yar Yuin 白俊
傅劍華 郭旭 Ariela Shekina 周鑫
Marlen Dodonov 李媛 王俊 Marie-Claude Harbec
Inamoto Daisuki 李玉梅 Liezel D. Garcia Lenka Blazkova
荣小育 Akiko J Kume Laura Lee Comeau 江俊良
陈选丰 Angela Magginnis Olga Nekrasova Ayşenur Güleşçe
徐卿 Oscar Haaland 王涛 Candy Cheung
Ng Gek Heng Giorgio Bello Crosa 刘洋 胡天奇
张淑汐 张书铭 赵龙 李军宝
付宗仁 敬一 巩芯彤 郭梓依
井增玉 范宁宁 Milan Oszkocsil Kuwako Takafumi
Akhil Hooda Petel 黄均成 肖志铎 Kenne Vernon Lim
Ankita Chithravel 胡耘翰 Maria Kobzeva Dushyant Singh
王春波 Elena Vladimirovna Kaurova Garrick Wong 邱湉皓
石少帅 Kai Erik Valkama Andrei Prokofev 武莹朝
刘静生 Raymonde Tavan Sol Garcia 霍艳茹
Carl Bauermeister 孙小琪 Neeraj Singh Alhasan Yousef
Nikola Nedov 向汐然 Palak Tondisangi 成田美香
陈汀键 杨 佳琦 于欣然 Taga Ines
王艺嘉 Annet Ummels-Majolee 李冬青 闫红艳
仇志明 Irina Orlova 朱荣荣 杨磊
郭碧予 陈叶 Roman Jukl 丁玲
Ekaterina Volkova Dmitry Azizov Kumiko Ota Jean Benon
Hayley Sherriff Aleksandr Petrov Charles Bacsko Olivia Kuntsi
Sergey Matveev Irina Hakutora Yofranny Winardi Kamila Pozdnyakov
Matthew Viren 井永 Elena Arsentyeva 黄洲荣
Hiro Inoki 王静乐 李消清 杨博渊
Fernanda Corsaro Andrei Kargu 刘玥 陈笙
Patrice Brunet Anastasiia Klishch Lena Serveevna Beliaeva Kobayashi Yumi
杨美丽 Keito Yamamoto Fran Hernández Toloza Karlov Yan
Nancy Ramos Marcelo 郑斌 Evgenii Takuev Totani Kanako
Berfin Dilekçi 金微 Subbotina Ludmila Konstantinovna 金玥
木尼热 邓斯悦 黄萌 井沅玲
闫鑫平 马琪 吴淳景 郭佳
王宇虹 覃潇 黄初阳 林峰蓉
Sharaz Butt 崔春阳 曾晓辉 姜雨辰
Diachkova Nadezha Viktorovna 张震 杜旭 Abdul Sajid
张丹 William Chow Oliver Norton Muhammad Bashir Noor
封思倩 Liubov Zelenskaia Jade Reynolds 杜渥浩
王程浩 Vladyslav Magdin 胡文博 张国浩
Doris Zheng 章澎 欧阳鸿 高凯
Julius Febriandy 吴艳 超心童 Kristina Volobueva
Carole Lafon 余芬 宋振东 Anton Matijevic
Edward Tan 胡复惠 范麒麟 Jonathan Blohm
Benny Cabral Rosario Erick Leonardo Cara Gomes Szekeres 伍豪 陈玲薇
Cristian Rodriguez Alexander McKnight James David Tucay 宋菲菲
Sarah Louis Shikata Ikuyo Almakhan Musaeva Samuel Caylor
Mika Morita 许茜 潭俊輝 Vanessa Ho
Siong Zhenhua 谭杰 罗狄 Ilaria Nobile
王崇仁 Colton Adams Karina Blom 柴淑敏
张东坤 Aya Akil Carol Pelen 张娜
李佳欣 Carlos Dia Vanderberg Miguel Garcia Diez 柴冬生
林建雯 Alberta Wang 陳慧貞 Andrew William Chai Hadi Widjaja
Nikolas Sahinbas Tiara Chan 林笑玲 Aloisio Carlos de Pina
Harold Whitehead Elivina Yangirova 程锦超 Giorga Martelli
宋娟 Sofya Buldakova 何晋梵 张小艾
赵国升 赵红心 冯燕 王健
陈晓 郭亚冰 吕雅睿 科西嘉
黄思瞳 候天明 陈磊勤 Lily Dirkson
吴豪 郭蕊 刘晨 Herman Anderson
Christian Lee 林海耀 Dagnani Cistina Pereira Reis Maria Plaza
Apple Dodonov 陈怡 Nazarchenko Mariya Stefanovna 林靖
郑峯 Lee Chun-Hui 林小冉 姚雨
任柯美 Hannah Siderael James Anderson 胡耀鹏
张雁乐 刘睿 Sarah Forbes 李昊
王诚 姜丛姝 Thomas Hardy 罗星嵘
余传星 张小华 钱峯 Anthony Burges
Timothy McDougle 陈文丹 潘鹏 Lisa Hopkins
Yim Jae Kweon 李合绑 熊良庆 Laura Parkinson


06. February 2025 · Comments Off on 2025 Chinese New Year Giveaway has Ended! · Categories: Uncategorized

The “2025 Chinese New Year Hong Bao Giveaway” has officially ended. What an amazing response! Would like to take this opportunity to thank all the fans from around the world who participated this year. Your continual support is always appreciated!

Please give our staff a couple of days to go through all your answers. Participants who correctly answered all the questions will be put into the draw for one of 300 lucky “Hong Bao” (lai si) red packets to be given away. The lucky draw will be held and announced on February 10, 2025, and the lucky receivers will be notified by email.

Here are the answers below! See how many questions you got right!



2025 Chinese New Year Hong Bao Giveaway



1 ) Which of the following animals is related to the title of Jackie’s movie that was released in China on October 1, 2024?

(c). Panda        熊猫

(The movie, “Panda Plan” (熊貓計畫), was released on October 01, 2024 in China. The title contains the animal: Panda 熊貓)

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2) In which country did Jackie participate in the 2024 Paralympics Games torch relay?


(a). France       法国

(The 2024 Paralympic Games torch relay was held in France, and Jackie was a torch bearer in Paris)

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3) What are the names of the two adorable panda soft toys that Jackie is holding?


(b). LA / ZY

(Jackie’s two soft toy pandas are called: LA & ZY. You can check out their story here: https://www.jackiechankids.com/files/Chan_La_Zy_London.html)

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4) Which year was Jackie’s album “I Am Me” released in China?


(c). 2018

(Jackie’s album was officially released in China on December 20, 2018)

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5) Which movie is this scene from?


(b). Who Am I          我是谁

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6) In 2013, Jackie replaced his plaque on the Hollywood Avenue of Stars. Apart from his handprint, what other print did he leave on the plaque?


(d). Nose print     鼻印


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7) While at the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris, which sporting event did Jackie present medals to the winning athletes?


(a). Para Taekwondo       跆拳道


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8) Which of the following photos is not a scene from Jackie’s movie, “A Legend”?


(This scene is from Jackie’s “Forbidden Kingdom” 《功夫之王》)

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9) In the movie “Ride On”, what was the name of Master Luo’s beloved stunt horse?


(b). Red Hare         赤兔

(The Chinese name of Master Luo’s stunt horse: https://www.sohu.com/a/667179278_163278)

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10) Apart from wearing white, what is Jackie’s favourite coloured tracksuit?

除了穿白色运动服之外, 成龙大哥最喜欢穿那个颜色的运动装?

(d). Black       黑色

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