On August 21, Jackie Chan and well-known director Martin Campbell (Golden Eye, Casino Royale, The Mask of Zoro) were in Beijing for the press conference of their upcoming new action movie, The Foreigner. The film will be released in China during the National Day holiday period on September 30. Both Jackie and Martin explained how the majority of the scenes were filmed on location, including the scene of an exploding bus on one of London’s bridge, which took the production crew over 4 months to apply for the permit. With the application approved, the crew only had 4 hours to film the exploding scene. And because they wanted to complete the shot in one take, the crew were at the location 2 weeks beforehand to prepare and ensure that everything went right.

After the press conference, Jackie revealed that while filming The Foreigner in England, he underwent a 5-hour operation for an abdominal injury suffered while filming his previous film. Jackie explained how he first felt abdominal pain, but being an action star, he didn’t think much of it until the pain got worse while filming The Foreigner. After seeing the doctors, they discovered that his abdominal muscle was severely damaged and required an immediate operation, which lasted over 5 hours. Even though doctors heavily opposed, the day after the operation, Jackie wore a tight bandage around his waist and continued filming. And a week later, he continued doing action sequences.